来自网友【HaagenDazs】的评论The best drivers focus only on the present. 最好的赛这车只关注当下。Never dwelling on the past, never committing to the future. 不会留恋过去也不期待未来。there's an old saying i'd often hear Denny repeat: "No race was ever won in the first corner, but many have been lost there."我经常听丹尼讲一句老话,没有哪场比赛是在第一个弯角就分出胜负的,但许多车手都输在了那里。“What if I don't win?”如果我输了呢?“There's no dishonor in losing the race, there's only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose.”输掉比赛并不可耻,只有但系自己输掉而不去努力才是可耻的。No one knows what curves life will throw at you, but if a driver has the courage to create his own conditions, then the rain is simply rain.没有人能预料生活会给你什么样的挑战,但如果一个车手有勇气创造自己的条件,那么暴雨也就是雨而已。