电视剧《行尸走肉 第十季 The Walking Dead Season 10》高清在线免费观看

行尸走肉 第十季 The Walking Dead Season 107.6

导演:迈克尔 / 萨特拉米斯 / 格里高利 / 尼克特洛 / 休斯 / 布朗温

演员:弗莱明 / 卡罗尔 / 威尔逊 / 安德鲁斯 / 瑞恩 / 德米特 / 麦克奥利菲 / 萨曼莎 / 大卫 / 赫斯特 / Joe Ando-Hirsh / 雷吉斯特 / 摩根 / 艾莉克斯 / 帕克







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迪齐亚,Brittany Hughes,汉博格,Julianna Wohlrab,斯科塞斯,斯皮尔伯格,扎赫迪,塞拉,申克曼,Aristotle Georgeson,索耶,Ava Francesca Renne,迈克尔,Gregory Falatek,Chris Lazzaro

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  • 来自网友【Bruce】的评论The Walking Dead Episode Insider - "Splinter" / 行尸走肉单集解析 - “屑”仅供英语学习交流,请勿商用翻译:Bruce 这一集叫做“屑”,且发生了相关的事情。某种意义上说,Princess被扎了一片实实在在的木屑,这片木屑触发了所有相关的记忆且在视觉上迷幻了她现实世界。“屑”同样指木片一下子碎片化了现实世界的故事线,意思是,像是,她内心的黑暗且她用想象出来的外来力量来克服它。这一集的大部分发生在一节列车厢内部。但是我们真的找来一段里面有东西的火车,然后他们在那节作为舞台的车厢里放了点道具,这样一来也让摄影机方便一些。你可以把车厢里面排排气,好让在这狭小空间里的演员和摄制组不那么闷。该集的一大挑战是要让车厢里看上去不那么闷小,你知道,因为厢里实际上没太多事情发生。 在这样的一集,基本就是princess的个人视角了,以至于我觉得大部分得益于Paola的表演了。我认为她做的很棒。她是那种对喜剧元素可以相当娴熟地把握得当,而又可以演绎人性黑暗与脆弱面的很少见的演员。请她演的时候,她演了很多愤怒出来。就在那些她开始语塞进而开始抗争的时候,我认为,从内心深处这个角色真的是,真的是不得不与她的人生抗争;我也真的很喜欢这种把她的层面剖开的方式,展示出她并不是一个简单的的大大咧咧的公主(princess)。这表现的下面真的是人性深处的她,即她不得不历经很多苦痛去找到她在哪儿。且我认为在演绎这个角色上,Paola做的真棒。这集里的Ezekiel并不全像真正的Ezekiel,且当读到剧本时Khary也有同感。越看故事你就越觉得这个Ezekiel就越跟他应有的样子不一样,这里的他很有点像是她肩头上的魔鬼。那是她内心里的冲动,担当这个角色让Ezekiel显得很有趣,因为你知道,我们知道Ezekiel的仁爱和富于谋略。但是你也要知道,我们想在princes的幻化世界里展现– 一个人的样子可以比他本来的样子更加丰富多彩。但,你知道,她也不算太了解他们。我们想,我们得讲些关于这个队伍和这些兵的故事,且得详细烘托和刻画一下。很显然本集有些点没有明确交代,比如,这一行人究竟被怎么处置了,是不是真有她想的那么糟糕。有些地方特意渲染了,比如,“这些家伙真渗人”,又如,“看看他们这些疯狂的铠甲”,当头盔被摘下来时,你发现在你面前就是一个活生生的人,然后突然地,所有事情都觉得有点不一样了。但是与此同时,但是,你知道,我们就是想表现出,这确实是一个有规矩的地方。我们觉得刚开始多多少少跟这个队伍接触,当刚刚看到一点渺茫的希望的时候,深入到princess这个角色的内心深处是一件很有趣的事。关于这个队伍的事情,一旦我们进入新一季,后续还有更多。执行出品人/节目运行人 Angela Kang 英文原本:This episode is called “splinter”, and there’s a couple things going on there. Princess gets an obvious literal splinter and in some ways, that splinter triggers all these other memories and alternateversion of reality that’s happening. “splinter” also refers to just that splintering of the story line into something that is an objective reality, that’s, like, sort of dark for her and just the way that she is coping with it by imagining that something else is going on. Most of this episode takes place inside a train boxcar. And we don’t do a lot of stuff, that’s just kind of in one location, largely, it’s challenging to shoot in a smaller space, but we had a real train car that was the exterior stuff with the train car, and then they created a set of that boxcar on stage, and then they created a set of that boxcar on stage. The majority of what you’re seeing is actually a set, and that way there was a little more flexibility in terms of shooting. You can kind of air out the space, so that the actor isn’t, like, literally trapped with crew inside this tiny, little box. One of the challenges of the episode was to make it feel like it’s not too confined, you know, ‘cause there’s not, like, a lot that’s going on inside the boxcar itself. With an episode like this, it’s so strongly in princess’ POV that I think a lot of the episode rests on Paola’s performance. I think she does a wonderful job. She’s the kind of rare actress that is legitimately incredibly funny but can also play that kind real vulnerability and darkness. When asked of her, she shows all of that range here. There’s just these moments where you see her start to choke up and then she just, she pushes it aside, and I think that, that’s very, very much at the heart of kind of what this character’s had to do to cope her entire life, and I really love, like, kind of getting to peel pack some of those layer of her, and see that she’s not just all about big-personality princess. There’s a real deep human being that’s under there, that has had to go through a lot to kind of get where she is. And I think she did a really wonderful job portraying that. Ezekiel in this episode is not entirely like Ezekiel, and Khary had sort of the same reaction when he read it. Like the further you get in the scene, the less it starts to feel like the Ezekiel we know which is by design. it’s definitely like Ezekiel here is a little bit like the devil on her shoulder. It’s that impulsive side of her, Ezekiel is an interesting person to use in this role, because you know, we know Ezekiel to be humane and strategic. But you know, we wanted to just show that in princess’s active imagination. People can take on a more colorful way of being than they are. But, you know, she also doesn’t know them very well yet. We thought, we have to do some sort of story related to this group and the troopers , and feel like what the vibe of it is. It’s obviously unclear in places in this, like, how much of that was what they really went through and how much of it was her picturing the worst. There’s definitely this vibe of, like, “these guys are scary.” Like, “look at these crazy suits” you take your helmet off, and then you have to look in the eyes of a real human being, and suddenly, everything feels a little bit different. But at the same time. But, you know, we wanted to just show, there’s clearly a manipulation going on there, as well. We thought it was a really fun way to get deeper into the character of princess while just giving some little slivers, of a, of a taste of who this new group is, and there will be a lot more to come. Once we get into the new season.