来自网友【初初Carol】的评论貌似要感谢中国好声音,让我一点点认识到伴唱者是一群多么无奈又美妙的职业。这也许是世界上最矛盾纠结的工作,你需要天生的音乐才华,却同时要懂得如何隐藏和掩盖它,方能尽到职责。所以每一个老歌手笑着说这是老天给她的命运时,我都会隐隐的心痛。You don't need hold on necessarily to your individual vocal persona, cause you're trying to get your persona to bland and mesh with the other voices. That's awesome.I could be different people a chameleon, it's just like you could change up. You're never bored.一个黑人女歌手骄傲的说她是组合的一员,这是自己争取来的,“I actually sing on the key.” 那样的骄傲让人不忍直视梦想的重量。每个伴唱都有一个当牧师的爹,是不是很神奇?God gave me this talent and I intend to use it.黑人歌者有着自己的骄傲,他们称白人歌手为朗读者(reader),因为他们离了谱子就歇菜了。"They handle us the music when we came in and we took it like we were pro too, like we would really read it."这一句让我会心一笑,我是听说过黑人的音乐天赋的,那样的即兴表演和人来疯一样的转音,那时老天赏的饭碗,学都学不来。If given the opportunity, we will demonstrate our value beyond any reasonable doubt. So much so that going forward, when you start to define singing, it's going to be based on this transformative sounds coming out of these backup singers' mouths.歌手和伴唱的依存关系,大致在此。伴唱是最接近歌手的人,但恰恰是这个最近的二十英尺阻隔他们走到舞台中央的可能。In a strange way, the gulf between the lead singer and that group of backup singers couldn't be wider.因为那是一个舞台上两种截然不同的人生选择,一个习惯主导,一个擅长迎合;一个张扬外露,一个隐忍内敛;一个想着如何让自己舒服,一个揣度如何让别人开心。心理是最大的鸿沟,观众喜欢的一定那种坚持自我,自信独尊的个性歌手,是那份独一无二,信马由缰,而这样的人一辈子都不会是一个有着变色龙声音的伴唱。有时真不知道,是性格决定了这种职业的命运,还是职业的选择养成了这样的性格,无论前者还是后者,都何尝不是一种悲哀?