电影《末基劳:英雄崛起 Mat Kilau》HD在线免费观看

末基劳:英雄崛起 Mat Kilau1.8

导演:赛姆苏尔 / 尤索夫

演员:雅彦 / 鲁伊安





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This film tells the rise of a Malay warrior named Mat Kilau and his friends against the British colonialists who came to Pahang in 1890. The greed of British officials and policies, which have imposed excessive taxes, confiscated land belonging to the Malays to reap the treasures of Pahang and disrupted the Islamic way in Pahang has caused dissatisfaction among the rulers and the Malays. The patriotic spirit of Mat Kilau and his friends who rose up against British violence had caused Captain Syers to launch an attack on Mat Kilau. Witness the heroic spirit of Mat Kilau, Tok Gajah and Mat Kilau's best friends use their wisdom to fight in the jungle against the British soldiers. Did Mat Kilau and his friends succeed in driving out the barbaric and greedy British army to reap gold and tin in Pahang?


  • 来自网友【享伶俜】的评论 忘记历史就是背叛,随着亚洲国家越来越多的拍这种爱国题材的电影,也反映出百年前西方列强对亚洲的掠夺,对这些亚洲国家所造成的心理阴影还是存在的。 在技术和能力上,都无法与西方抗衡的情况下,我们很多亚洲电影只能靠这种意淫方式来灭掉西方。 这部电影可以说拍的中规中矩,没有什么亮点,他只是让我们这些非马来西亚的人了解了他们当年的历史,历史的真实性可以说还是有的。 但不得不说,当时的西方对亚洲的统治确实是全面性的压制,而亚洲之狼日本的崛起,除了和西方的对抗,更可悲的是,他们更多的时间是靠自己的武力和残暴压榨本州的人民。 同样,这部电影的可悲之处,我们也看到了英国殖民者从开始到结束,没有得到任何的损伤,得到的只是惊吓。相反,他们杀掉了更多的还是亚洲人。 由衷的希望以后可以看到马来西亚更多的优秀电影,加油。