电影《骨肉 Son》4k免费在线观看

骨肉 Son5.1

导演:伊万 / 卡瓦纳

演员:沃姆斯利 / 亚历山大 / 大卫 / 萨米 / 罗科 / 亚当 / 布拉德利 / 斯宾塞 / 尼尔森 / 布莱恩 / 约翰逊 / 索伦蒂诺 / 蕾恩 / 瓦妮塔 / 莱德克










  • 来自网友【嘟嘟】的评论开头就半信半疑猜到结局了,但是整个影片的执行都挺棒的。故事没有完全跳脱cliché但是somehow还是有一些新鲜的东西。总体还是不错的,值得一看。
  • 来自网友【爱玩的过路人】的评论《骨肉》是爱尔兰导演 伊万·卡瓦纳 (《The Canal》、《The Fading Light》、《The Solution》)的自编自导的灵异电影、也是他出道以来第7部电影,这次他拿到了布鲁塞尔电影节Fantasy Film奖。 制片方是 Belladonna Productions-Elastic Film-Park Films production,演员阵容包括: Emile Hirsch (《Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood》、《Freaks》、《The Autopsy of Jane Doe》)、Andi Matichak (《Halloween Kills》、《Halloween 2018》、《Assimilate》)、Luke David Blumm (《The Walking Dead series》) 。 故事里的身为单亲妈妈女主早年从恶魔般的邪教组织逃离,不想梦魇再续。。。人到中年之前组织成员闯入家门、意图盗走她年仅8岁的宝贝儿子来献祭。。。。然而在逃亡途中,小儿子病情恶化。。。 呃。。。戏剧转折悄然而至:小宝贝在吸食人类血液后奇迹般滴回复啦!于是老母亲走上不归路以延续小宝贝的生命。。。最终的结局可想而之:老母亲未能战胜儿子体内的恶魔,于是。。。。不剧透啦! Even though there is an interesting script when the story moves on, it certainly loses in the plethora of jump scares and excessively gory images that perpetuate the 98-minute runtime. It is understandable that bloodshed and carnage are sometimes essential for horror movies, in this one they consume parts of the movie that are reserved for character development and story exposition so rather than getting to know the characters and their backstories, director Ivan Kavanagh determines they are not necessary and gives us more bloodshed and savagery instead. The acting overall is uninspired, with Andi Matichak and the usually reliable Emile Hirsch reduced to cardboard cutouts, literally and figuratively. Some of the religious background statues gave more believable performances. Even some of Ms. Matichak’s emotional scenes come across as amateurish and unnatural, an effect I’m sure director Ivan Kavanagh didn’t intend. 导演 Kavanagh 的执导特色在于突如其来的视听冲击所带来的惊悚效果,这次在一定程度上作用明显。。。小朋友这次演的不错、咯咯笑起来蛮像个小’恶魔滴!。这次的音效也不错。。。呃,还是个人喜好关系吧。。不太喜欢疾病系、又是血腥的惊悚片。。加上故事框架平平, 消磨时光还可以。。。