电影《小情歌 A Love Song》HD在线免费观看

小情歌 A Love Song7.3

导演:马克斯 / 沃克-西尔弗曼

演员:迪奇 / 斯塔迪 / 约翰 / 戴尔 / 韦斯 / 那拉 / 维伊





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After unhitching her camper at a lakeside in the mountains, Faye finds her rhythm cooking meals, retrieving crawfish from a trap, and scanning her old box radio for a station. She looks expectantly at the approach of a car or the mailman, explaining to neighboring campers that she’s waiting for a childhood sweetheart she hasn’t seen in decades. When he does arrive, Lito and Faye, both widowed, spend an evening reminiscing about their lives, losses, and loneliness.
A whimsical romance, Max Walker-Silverman’s captivating debut feature shows an "American West" full of quietude, compassion, and introspection. It’s both naturalistic and vaguely surreal, blurring our sense of time and beauty, loss and vivacity, the grandiose natural world and intimate humanism. Career performances from Dale Dickey and Wes Studi bring an inescapable presence to people we don’t often see portrayed on film. They are gentle outliers possessed of resilience and existential spirit, seeking to process something elusive: a feeling of love for what’s no longer there. Like Faye turning her radio dial, they listen hopefully for the faint trace of a song.


  • 来自网友【薄荷清柚】的评论一心一意在广阔的天地之间等待爱情的降临在当下是需要巨大的勇气与超现实的浪漫,约会结束之后,在星空之下投入广阔大地的怀抱,俯仰恒定的宇宙,完成对前半生的自省与治愈,结合对西部的新时代颂歌化解构,这一副岁月静好的画卷是今年阿美莉卡贡献出的最美丽与最温柔。片中蕴含的如水如山一样的巨大情感冲击是我没有想到的,不完满中的完满,年度最惊喜首作。