电影《小情歌 A Love Song》全集免费在线观看

小情歌 A Love Song7.5

导演:马克斯 / 沃克-西尔弗曼

演员:迪奇 / 斯塔迪 / 约翰 / 戴尔 / 韦斯 / 那拉 / 维伊





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After unhitching her camper at a lakeside in the mountains, Faye finds her rhythm cooking meals, retrieving crawfish from a trap, and scanning her old box radio for a station. She looks expectantly at the approach of a car or the mailman, explaining to neighboring campers that she’s waiting for a childhood sweetheart she hasn’t seen in decades. When he does arrive, Lito and Faye, both widowed, spend an evening reminiscing about their lives, losses, and loneliness.
A whimsical romance, Max Walker-Silverman’s captivating debut feature shows an "American West" full of quietude, compassion, and introspection. It’s both naturalistic and vaguely surreal, blurring our sense of time and beauty, loss and vivacity, the grandiose natural world and intimate humanism. Career performances from Dale Dickey and Wes Studi bring an inescapable presence to people we don’t often see portrayed on film. They are gentle outliers possessed of resilience and existential spirit, seeking to process something elusive: a feeling of love for what’s no longer there. Like Faye turning her radio dial, they listen hopefully for the faint trace of a song.


  • 来自网友【Voll-Los】的评论81/100,很純很乾淨的影像,諸多的物的鏡頭語言濃縮著很強的去主觀性和自然性,大構圖雕刻進那種天人合一的詩意,爬落基山以及山頂觀望星辰更是將那種讓人極為觸動眼淚快自然從淚腺分泌而出的孤獨感直接打在熒幕上,卻只是點到為止,生活還需繼續,會讓人想到趙婷,只是這裏多了一些綿密的溫情,人與人以及自然的和諧互動,一些不經意的小幽默,故而其實是更多情趣的。就很舒服很享受。
  • 来自网友【倪克斯】的评论看完内心很平静。碧蓝的湖,伫立的山,盘旋的风,闪烁的星,还有时光的沉淀才能让人重新变回简单。四星给缺憾却真实的美。