来自网友【G】的评论当代猎巫。最后一幕太美了!妈妈把魔法书传给女儿,爱与母系经验知识在绿野山间流转。EC瘦了,笑起来还是那个莫德,拥抱戏有些敷衍。(雷雨下和苏的拥抱多么结实温暖!)好想做女巫的女儿!但俗话说得好,我们都是没被烧死的女巫的后代。There may never be a time when witches live free from persecution, people fear what they do not understand and because of that, witches will always be outsiders, having to fight for survival and acceptance, I realise now it won't be different for Harper, her life will be hard and full of obstacles and danger, but we must not return to the darks days, we must continue forwards into the light.