来自网友【мимоза】的评论好舍不得谢耳朵逐渐长大啊~戏里的谢尔顿要去上大学了,而背景音里的谢尔顿已经有了儿子,你好啊,莱纳德·库珀。Leonard, see, he does love you!而剧外的我,大概会永远相信,生活大爆炸永不结束,他们还在一起吃着中国菜,聊着琐事,身边再多几个蹦蹦跳跳的孩子!
来自网友【森汐理】的评论'Like a virus, heartbreak can also spread. Once it does, it's hard to contain. In some cases, you can try to reboot and start over. But it makes you appreciate those early days when your hard drive was clean and the world was full of possibility.' “像病毒一样,心碎也会传播。一旦发生,覆水难收。有时候你可以尝试重启并重新开始,但它会让你怀念以前的时光,当时的硬盘还很干净,世界充满了可能性。”