来自网友【Lok】的评论Finally, since unemployment from September of this year, I have watched all the 12 seasons today. The three months isn't easy for me, and thanks for the accompanying of the series.I am so jealous about Sheldon, who is selfish but loved by so many people. Successful career, wonderful marriage, fascinating friendships. But maybe that is what a drama is, everyone has a great ending, and that is also why we love watching it, since it is hard to get so much at the same time in real life.Every character is great, not a perfect one, but a more real one. Leonard has good job (in my own view, not Sheldon's), but couldn't get what others think is granted from his mom, and what's worse, he utimately find his mother raises he as an experiment. Thankfully, he forgives her as he is ok with the relationship between them. He is not tall, not handsome, however, he is brave enough to go for Penny, as Amy said, he "didn't care what anybody else thought or wanted, including Penny". He has my respect. In reality I am just like him, short, normal, and the difference is that I have no courage to get what I want.