来自网友【瑾羲Qing】的评论May the force be with you.e01Embrace others for their differences, for that makes you whole.求同存异,是谓大者e02The search for truth begins with belief.追寻真理,始于信念e03Survival is one step on the path to living.留得青山在不愁没柴烧e04Trust placed in another is trust earned.人无信不立e05If there is no path before you, create your own.前方无路,便自己开路e06Mistakes are valuable lessons often learned too late.亡羊补牢,为时已晚e07Who you were does not have to define who you are.过去的自己无法定义现在e08You can change who you are, but you cannot run from yourself.可以改变自己,却无法逃避最后四集连起来当做一部电影看吧Part IOld Friends Not ForgottenPart IIThe Phantom ApprenticePart IIIShatteredPart IVVictory and DeathThe End of The Clone Wars.May the force be with you.