铁证悬案 第二季 Cold Case Season 2-第23集


类型:惊悚 / 剧情 / 悬疑地区:美国年份:2004

导演:亨特 / 麦科米克 / 安肯 / 扎克雷泽夫斯基 / 比尔 / 帕里斯 / 布瑞 / 巴克利 / 艾格斯 / 阿莱克斯

演员:西弗斯 / 丹尼 / 奇凯蒂 / 皮诺 / 菲奥娜 / 汤普森 / 布伦特 / 维克 / 嘉伯曼 / 凯瑟琳 / 苏珊 / 波利佐斯 / 加里 / 莫里斯 / 泰莎


在美国费城,有这样一个凶杀调查组,他们面临的案件不是最近发生的,而是几年前甚至十几年以前的旧案,这样的案件,由于发生的时间久远,加之当事人已经难以寻找,各种犯罪证据几乎已经烟消云散,所以调查起来特别困难.这样的凶杀案,被形象的称为"Cold Case".Lilly Rush,作为费城凶杀调查科的唯一女探员,构成了这部以调查陈年旧案为主题的电视剧的绝对核心人物.她的沉着冷静,机警敏锐,还有她那张纤细苍白的脸庞,给观众留下了难以磨灭的印象.这部CBS电视台从2003年开始播放的电视剧集,直到今天仍然以其独具一格的魅力在众多以犯罪题材为主题的电视剧集中独树一帜.Cold Case不同于CSI把犯罪调查过程象记录片似的呈现在观众眼前,也没有众多当今尖端科技的支持,在该剧中,几乎没有任何和《犯罪现场调查第八季》等剧集类似的关于用高科技分析尸体来寻找线索的场面,她的独特魅力在于,凭着Lilly坚韧的性格,她和她的搭档们总是千方百计的寻找那些至今还健在的当事人,让那些活在过去阴影中的人们在亦欣慰或痛苦的挣扎中去回忆当年发生的惨剧,把观众带到几十年前那个不同的世界,让真正的凶手在各当事人的不同回忆和口供的差异中一点点的凸现出来.而每一次的真相被揭露时,观众都会发现一个难以置信的结局,或悲惨,或愤怒,或无奈.但是无论当年发生的罪案如何难以置信,时间的流逝终究会抚平人们的一些悲伤.Cold Case全剧弥漫着浓厚的怀旧色彩和淡淡的忧伤,或者说是 一种女性的温情,让你被每一个故事渐渐的感动,从而在心底留下一些触动.全剧最让人感动的地方就在结尾处,当真正的凶手被绳之以法后,Lilly总能看见当年死去的人们站在对面的街角,向她露出微笑,仿佛实在感谢她使冤案得以昭雪.那一刻,再坚硬的心,也会被深深打动的.


  • 来自网友【鹹魚阿不爛】的评论E1: The Badlandsif I ain't got you Alicia KeysDo not ask the name of the person who seeks a bed for the night. He is who reluctant to give his name is the one who most needs shelter. Victor HugoE2: Factory GirlsDon't fence me inWomen hope men will change after marriage but they don't; men hope women won't change but they do. Bettina-ArndtE3: DanielaGoodbye Girl BreadDoy gracias a Dios por ser gay. Jose-Mantero 感谢上帝我是同性恋 约瑟蒙特罗E4 The HouseFresh and Blood Johnney CashReason and love are sworn enemies Pierre Corneille 理性与爱不共戴天E5 Who's Your DaddySend me an angle scorpionsThe past cannot be cured. Elizabeth IE6 The SleepoverCircle Edie Brickell & New BoherniansToday's best friend becomes tomorrow's discard. Stella chessE7 It's Raining MenWhen I'm with you Sheriff GayeThere is no greater glory than love, nor any greater punishment than jealousy Span, Lope de VegaE8 Red GlareI Believe Frankie LaineA flow of words is a sure sign of duplicity. Honore.De.Balzac (口若悬河之人必定表里不一)E9: Mind HuntersLong long way to go Phil Collins"When shot, the deer seldom drops immediately, but runs sometimes for hours, the hunter in hot pursuit." The phase is known as "deer running"E10 DiscretionWhy does it always rain on me TravisSome rise by sin, and some by virtue fall (William Shakespeare)E11 Blank GenerationPeace, Love, and Understanding Elvis CostelloHe who cannot obey himself will be commanded. Such is the nature of all living things. Friedrick.NietzscheE12 Yo,AdrianBaby I Love Your Way Peter FramptonGods determine what you are going to be. Julius ErvingE13 Time to Crime Man in the mirror Micheal JacksonBullets cannot be recalled. They cannot be uninvented. But they can be taken our of the gun. Martin AmisE14 RevolutionI say a little Prayer Aretha FranklinWar is as much a punishment to the punisher as it is to the sufferer. Thomas JeffersonE15 WishingSomewhere over the rainbow Israel Kamakawiwo'oleI wish so much of crime didn't take place after dark. Ketti FringsE16 RevengeDon't go away OasisThe only thing worse than a liar is a liar that's also a hypocrite! Edmond.De.GoncourtE17 SchadenfreudeDon't stop believing JourneyThe trouble with life isn't that there is no answer, it's that there are so many answers. Ruth BenedictE18 RavagedSecret Garden Bruce SpringsteenNever, never, never could one conceive what love is, beforehand, never. D.H.LawrenceE19 Strange FruitStrange Fruit Nina SimoneThe question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. Martin Lurther King JrE20 KensingtonSmall Town John MeilencampBonds of friendship, or though passion may have strained, it must not break. LincolnE21 Creatures of the NightOver at the Frankinstein Place Richard O'BrienThe majesty and riches of the mind, that dwell in darkness; for your God is blind. George ChapmanE22 Best FriendsE23 The WoodsBehind Blue Eyes The WhoEvil is done without effort, naturally, it is the working of fate; good is always the product of an art. Chales Baudelaire
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