



演员:王锐 / 潘宏梁 / 何琳 / 吴军 / 徐光宇 / 涂凌 / 来喜 / 李心敏 / 李立群 / 午马 / 朱仲春 / 唐唐 / 杜宁林 / 张煊赫 / 张延


《金婚2》故事仍开始于新中国火红灿烂上世纪50年代 。1958年,28岁的志愿军英雄营长耿直(胡军 饰)邂逅22岁的美丽女医生舒曼(周韵 饰),英雄美女一见钟情,耿直为与资本家女儿舒曼结婚,不得不忍痛脱掉军装,放弃大好前程;文革期间,缺少政治经验的舒曼时常使自己和家庭陷入危机,丈夫耿直为了妻子家庭,毅然舍弃政治前途;与舒曼结合使耿直人生从此改变,但耿直一生无怨无悔。舒曼对耿直的情感则经历着崇拜淡漠尊重到最后的幸福相守。他们从年轻到年老,从相知到相爱,从热恋到婚姻中柴米油盐锅碗瓢盆,以及为人父母直至祖父母,从浪漫激情到温馨柔情到相濡与沫,携手走过浪漫传奇也充满坎坷五十年婚姻路。


  • 来自网友【艾里艾特】的评论I rarely watch soap operas, but after taking a glance on TV last week, I took the whole Saturday to watch it. A brief review:In one of the most turbulent and mania era in history, how does individuals pursue love, happiness, dream, while how to survive and protect yourself from the political movements.  This is the most gripping and core illustration part of this TV series. Which role would you be , if you were in the Cultural Revolution?Ji Cheng (季诚), just like his name HONEST, is totally a bookish fool.He is naive, persistent and simple in love. He dare not to challenge or change the status in quo. Shu Man(舒曼) and he are alumni and friends, their relations are the perfect type of Platonic love. So when Shu Man chooses Geng Zhi to be her husband, he can't get away from this complex. Similar like him, Shu Man is quiet, peaceful, passionate inside the heart, but rarely reveal it outside. Conservative and restrained (保守矜持).Their uniform education background, coming from similar rich and educated families, both have strong pursue to research into medical studies. The two people are so homogeneous that their thinking, lifestyle, even word usage look eerily similar.When Ji Cheng shouted at Geng Zhi, he called him rude and vulgar (粗鄙), the same word used by Geng's wife Shu Man. "We are too similar," says Shu, when in a freezing night she was staying in the same room at a strange village. "If we were married, we would respect each other like guests, we may never quarrel or fight, but we will never experience such intense emotions [like Geng Zhi and me did]". Geng Zhi(耿直), like the word, HONEST & FRANK. A promising PLA battalion commander from the Korean war, he is a model soldier who devoted his life to war, and he would be promoted to be a general one day just as he continues. As a passionate guy, he ignites his own passion after seeing Shu Man, and is determined to get married with her, in spite of enormous challenges. "He incites you to sing and dance, he drives you to burn yourself up ", as Shu commented. He is also a model husband, considerate, understanding, taking all efforts to protect his wife, and would come forward to kill the intruders. When the Red Guard official tried several times to harass his wife, he threatened and fought with that gangster.People like Ji Cheng and Shu Man can't survive the political movement, as it happened in thousands of cases during the Cultural Revolution. It's really smart for the director to separate them rather than seeing them commit suicide. One line to summarize the couple Geng and Shu 's surviving the turbulent era, "You need a capacious mind to do great things" (做大事,大情怀). Geng understands the games of politics in the 1960s-1970s, as a PLA official, so he strained himself to protect the poor family from outside crackdown . However, their marriage almost bust up in the peaceful times after the Cultural Revolution, when they strive to bring up three children, pursue better career but confronting the cruel reality world. "On the contrary, peaceful era wears away your passion and mind"(和平时代,磨没了情怀). Geng ended up working for 5 years at a logistics department to distribute eggs and fish for health organization staff.  For a whole life's time, you grow up, find your partner, get married, pursue your career, get pregnant, child is born, bring up your child, their education and career……This is the exact description of the golden wedding couple. All in all, a great program that definitely worth your time and effort. It drives you to think about your parents, grandparents' generation, their fate, marriage and how they survived the country's last fifty or sixty years. Great job! Cheers!2. 社团版杜拉拉升职记看这部之前,很推崇胡军的另一部作品《岁月》——一个社团版的杜拉拉升职记。鞭辟入里,将社团体系运作逻辑暴露无遗。无所谓好人坏人,你只是系统的一分子。电视剧版的《岁月》经过多次的删减审核才得以播出,成了宣扬当今官僚体系的杜拉拉升职记,而阅读原著《沧浪之水》则更让人心底透凉……一个大学刚毕业的研究生分配到卫生局,血气方刚、心直口快得罪曾经非常看重自己的厅领导,进而被下调到边缘部门和其他地方。理性同现实碰撞。感情、婚姻、人情世故、现实窘迫、住房拥挤、工作调动、孩子出生、升学……一个个现实生活的痛楚折磨,在社团的体系运作里,对一个理想主义者来说,就是痛苦的深渊:婚姻的枯燥乏味已经次要,吝啬、精明、人情练达的妻子步步逼迫他低下头。在重重挫折后,他终于清醒了,选择了妥协,去奉承领导,去排挤他人,几年之后,他很快提拔为科长、处长,并最后接了厅长的班……