来自网友【婧殊】的评论Finished all 13:15,10.14.2021, I’m amazed by what Hodgins did after Angela traced back his money. Can’t imagined a normal person would ever donated that much money and have no regret, especially after a lot of lose. I think that’s why I liked him very much. He had a pure soul obsessed to what he love, bugs, Angela and other friends. I’m also disappointed by Booth, gambling again is certainly not a good choice for anyone. I’m glad he tried to fix that. And I felt really bad that Sweets is gone. He is really great person, a perfect glue to the whole team in the show. Even though I knew it’s probably the actor didn’t want to do the show anymore.
来自网友【21centbeau】的评论看到cam对着照片哭真的绷不住了,这一季开头告别了sweets,赢来了Aubrey的加入。最后一集angela和hodgins要去巴黎,bb也要走了,原来这是告别季。当你陷入悲伤与不舍时,Brennan告诉我们不是所有事都要找到closure ,宇宙永远处于无穷变化之中。这让我想起金庸写的:天上的云聚了又散,散了又聚,人生离合亦复如斯。成为大人懂得了人生无常,为什么我们还是会对分离伤怀?‘Cause you love them. ❤️