邪恶力量 第四季 Supernatural Season 4-第07集


类型:惊悚 / 剧情 / 悬疑地区:美国年份:2008

导演:史蒂夫 / 亚当 / 艾力克 / 肯恩 / 菲利浦 / 博伊姆 / 克莱普科 / 查尔斯 / 康威 / 麦克

演员:布朗 / 穆利尔查德 / 达蒙 / 布朗 / 玛莉 / 麦克恩 / 莱杜克 / 沃顿 / 雷米 / 卢克 / 吉姆 / 谢拉 / 普罗特尼克 / 阿汀内 / 麦克


被拖入黑暗地狱的Dean(简森·阿克斯 Jensen Ackles 饰)在痛苦中睁开眼,挣扎着爬出坟墓发现自己全身除了肩头有个掌印灼伤之外完好无损。为了 找到Sam(贾德·帕达里克 Jared Padalecki 饰),Dean向Bobby(吉姆·比弗 Jim Beaver 饰)寻找帮助。这一次,Ruby(吉妮薇芙·克泰西 Genevieve Cortese 饰)又变成另一个形象出现在人间。在Bobby的召唤下,圣天使Castiel(米沙·克林斯 Misha Collins 饰)降临人间。正是他把Dean带回人间,一切都是上帝的旨意。平安回到人间的Dean和Sam再次并肩作战,隐藏在Sam体内的巨大神秘力量一直影响着他的性格,这个力量到底是什么呢?


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凯尔科尔,文塔,Danielle Lewis,布朗,特劳顿,Matt McClure,麦克马克,Charlie Duncan,山姆,John Sackville,克莱尔,安东,Frank Crudele,Jemma Carlton,罗伯特

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  • 来自网友【haleymeeee】的评论German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s well-known phrase “God is dead,” introducing the idea of the missing God, laid the foundation for one of the most important topics in the 20th century Existentialist Movement. The possibility of God’s non-existence means that everything that is possible happening can happen, and if everything is allowed, how can man choose? How can man know how to live? If everything is allowed, can we define right from wrong?Such questions are asked on Supernatural, with the character Castiel first appearing at the end of the first episode in the fourth season, which marked the series’ introduction of Christian mythology as a central them ever since. Castiel, an Angel of the Lord, initially shows complete devotion to God and identifies as servant of heaven:CASTIEL:We have no choice.DEAN:Of course you have a choice. I mean, come on, what? You’ve never questioned a crap order, huh? What are you both, just a couple of hammers?CASTIEL:Look, even if you can’t understand it, have faith. The plan is just.SAM:How can you even say that?CASTIEL:Because it comes from heaven, that makes it just.- 4.07 It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam WinchesterThis argument on the morality behind the act of “purifying a city” or “taking one thousand two hundred fourteen lives” between Castiel and the Winchesters is not unsimilar with Danish theologian Søren Kierkegaard’s discussion on Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. When Abraham was told that as a result of God's will that he must sacrifice his son Isaac, he was in a kind of either-or. If the message is genuinely from God, then he must sacrifice Isaac and it is the right thing to do; but if the message is not from God, then he would be committing what would be the very worst possible crime judged on the basis of Abraham's own view of human ethics.The dichotomy here, between Castiel’s and Dean’s rationales, is that while the former believes there is a God and God and religion (in other words, heaven’s plan for earth) are the most important things, and man must do nothing but obey heaven’s command, the later insists that there is no God and it is for man to take the total burden of responsibility for the world and for himself upon his own shoulders, with no one to give him any sign.Though the former seems to suggest a lack of agency or necessity for decision making in moral judgement, as the plot unfolds, we see Castiel demonstrates a sense of uncertainty, the very secret he voices in the conversation with Dean in the episode’s epilogue.CASTIEL:I’m not a… hammer as you say. I have questions, I have doubts. I don’t know what is right and what is wrong anymore, whether you passed or failed here. But in the coming months you will have more decisions to make. I don’t envy the weight that’s on your shoulders, Dean. I truly don’t.- 4.07 It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam WinchesterThis mirrors Kierkegaard’s Abraham in his questions on God’s will. Indeed, how is one to know whether the command is from God or not? If an angel speaks to him, how does Abraham know it's not a hallucination? And if God himself speaks, how is Abraham, or Castiel, to know whether this is really God or whether the command is their own inward evil wishes? Nobody but Abraham, or Castiel, can decide and they cannot tell within his life whether he has done the right thing or not.Perhaps it is this introspective nature in Castiel that draws him close to Dean, the human in his charge, and by implication humanity. Dean, a firm non-believer and what many, including himself, perceive to be as farthest from being servant of God as possible, detests the idea of God even in face of angels walking the earth.DEAN:God?CASTIEL:Yes.DEAN:God.CASTIEL:Yes! He isn't in heaven. He has to be somewhere.DEAN:Try New Mexico. I hear he's on a tortilla.CASTIEL:No, he's not on any flatbread.DEAN:Listen, Chuckles, even if there is a God, he is either dead—and that's the generous theory—CASTIEL:He is out there, Dean.DEAN:—or he's up and kicking and doesn't give a rat's ass about any of us.CASTIEL glares.DEAN:I mean, look around you, man. The world is in the toilet. We are literally at the end of days here, and he's off somewhere drinking booze out of a coconut. All right?- 5.02 Good God, Y'allDean has no intention of trying to prove that God does not exist, as one cannot prove a negative, but the very specific objection to the traditional concept of God above parallels with the simple objection in many existentialists work that is based upon the injustice of the universe. Albert Camus has given this same type of criticism in his novel, "The Plague", in which the priest, Padalu, confesses that he is not able to understand how there can be any justification so that even eternal paradise could cancel out the sufferings here on earth of one innocent child. Why, Deans asks, if God is all powerful, does man have to suffer? If God is merciful, then how can he sentence man, any man at all to eternal damnation?There is an optimistic side to this. As the repetitive occurrence of the term “free will” on this show suggests, if God exists, man is nothing; but if God does not exist, then man is free to choose what he wants to make himself. But for Castiel to arrive at this destination, it first takes him to undergo a two-season long crisis.ANNA:What do you want from me, Castiel?CASTIEL:I'm considering disobedience.ANNA nods.ANNA:Good.CASTIEL:No, it isn't. For the first time, I feel...ANNA:It gets worse. Choosing your own course of action is confusing, terrifying.ANNA puts her hand on CASTIEL's shoulder. He looks at it; she drops it.ANNA:That's right. You're too good for my help. I'm just trash. A walking blasphemy.ANNA turns to walk away.CASTIEL:Anna.ANNA stops.CASTIEL:I don't know what to do. Please tell me what to do.ANNA turns back.ANNA:Like the old days? No. I'm sorry. It's time to think for yourself.- 4.16 On the Head of a PinIf God isn’t out there, then Castiel has nowhere to turn. This dreadful realization may best be articulated through Hazel Barnes’ analogy that as if one would try to judge a Ford car without any Mr. Ford. So long as there is a Mr. Ford or one of his agents, then one has a model, one has a blueprint and one can say that the car which is coming there off the assembly line is a perfect Ford or an imperfect Ford. But without a plan, one cannot judge a car, and without God, there is no plan for Castiel and there is no final point of reference by which he can judge his values, or right or wrong, or declare that he has lived up to his possibilities or not lived up to his possibilities.Yet despite “choosing your own course of action” being “confusing, terrifying,” Castiel is not in total despair. Dean, the human equivalent of the burden of a self-creative life, provides reference for Castiel on how to live a life as if there were no God. I have concluded thus that in the context of existentialism Castiel seeks Dean and humanity for answers and view them as his destination.Note: this article is HEAVILY inspired by Hazel Barnes’ Self Encounter 2: The Far Side of Despair.
  • 来自网友【花花柴犬】的评论我大概是追到第八季时弃剧的,隔了几年,中间演了什么也不太清楚,只知道好像主角父母都复活了,天堂地狱人间各种搅和在一起,剧情已经彻底放飞了。第十五季要剧终,所以想着再回顾一下前六季,就从来头开始看了,和当年看剧的感觉不一样,可能是经历多了,对角色的理解也不同了,当年很喜欢迪恩,有些讨厌约翰专制,现在看来约翰为了儿子牺牲自己,是沉默的父爱了,他只是不善于表达,以前很喜欢迪恩,现在看来这个人物也亏是詹森在演,不管他做什么,那张漂亮的脸蛋,忽闪忽闪的大眼睛,总是很难让人讨厌他。第一季迪恩去找山姆,把他拉上猎魔的旅程,这个人物的基调就建立了,因为目睹了母亲惨死,又被父亲灌输太多责任,所以人生中更多是履行义务而不是为自己而活,本能需要旅伴的迪恩反而要比从小独立的山姆更有依赖性,所以第二季这个人物为了弟弟本能选择牺牲自己,多么让人感动,但对于山姆而言,这种牺牲何尝不是一种负担。山姆的人设大概就是从第二季开始崩坏的,一个在第一季里承担乖弟弟和学霸害羞男孩的角色在第二季时,可能因为长大了,变得越来越攻气,编剧无奈给他改了人设,同时为后文埋伏笔,这个角色就莫名其妙越来越黑化,被哥哥带入了为亲人牺牲的怪圈,但第一季他出场时明显并不是这种人设。心疼过早成熟的迪恩,也心疼负担了更多的山姆,虽然我看观众更喜欢迪恩,但山姆就是那种长了一副不会被欺负的脸蛋,以至于他承担的,很多人意识不到,心疼山姆。