



演员:汪涵 / 赖雨濛 / 周涛 / 何炅 / 于朦胧 / 戴毅 / 王凯琳




  • 来自网友【Yoinico】的评论从三个角度来说我五星的理由 -历史本身:古人的深明大义,坚毅果断,和历史带给我的开阔与胸怀,让我意识到就算是一统天下的帝王都会有抉择失误的时候,更何况吾之辈。开阔、格局、勇气是我从古人身上学到的第一课,也是我如今最需要的一课。 -演绎本身:演员+演绎。演员的自然让人觉得眼前的就是历史,就是当时,就是彼时,就是古人本人。何德何能见识到如此众多的智识之人徐徐现于眼前。演绎——无数次成就一眼万年。古老而动人的故事由今人时时上演,将千年古今全盘托出倾泻在眼前,就算是一片草长莺飞的镜头、就算是一个转身,都承载着历史的厚重与过去的壮美。 -镜头本身:绝美构图,深刻的镜头,恰到好处的打光,适时的留白,绝妙的处理方式,该激即激该柔即柔的文案,没有历史剧常有的恢宏布景,没有华丽的辞藻,没有多余的言语,宏伟自在人心。全方位包裹,舒适而恰好。
  • 来自网友【Hellenes】的评论There are so many times that I have studied about the ancient culture about our nation, I am so much happy and excited every time when I met it.but when I exactly to say something for it, actually I have no words.I always doubt myself that I don’t have any abilities to discuss about the ancient culture, one important reason is I was born in a far away city from our capital and the center of our I doubt myself when I need to say something academic enough for this huge topic. But, I know I cannot avoid it all the addition this is the main reason that why I choose to be a student of Mr.Yu, his ideas so much touched me, let me totally felt the beauty of the our ancient cultre.nowadays to face this documentary I do believe there are a lot of words to say, but where should I start?history is totally complex and multifaceted—just like a lot of thins in this world, it is not a very easy thing to find why today we are such a character and culture by some simple words, but it is quite worth try to get more details for history when we have conditioned, cause this really could help us to feel more about this world.